3D Fun Art Museum

Create crazy family memories at the 3D Fun Art Museum

At 3D Fun Art, they have about 40 different scenarios, including 3D images and optical illusions, that let you enter a world of fantasy and imagination and believe that anything is possible. So make sure to take some crazy photos to keep as family memories.

Visitors can embody Van Gogh’s doctor, venture out on a safari or even have a dinosaur as a pet. They can also see their world completely upside down, their head being served at a meal table, winging and flying in the cosmos and drink a wine served by God in Michael Ângelo’s Creation of Adam. This space combines the science of visual perception with the magic of illusion and makes everything seem possible.
Photographs are allowed and even encouraged.

3D Fun Art Museum prices: Reservations required

3D Fun Art Museum is located Here


Casa do Alentejo


Lisbon Zoo