Lisbon Weather

Lisbon boasts an average 290 days of sunshine a year

Lisbon has an average 290 days of sunshine a year, so there is a very good chance that the weather will be good no matter which month you plan to visit.

What are the average air temperatures in Lisbon?

The weather in Lisbon is dependent on the gulf stream and as Europe’s most westerly capital, Lisbon is one of the best cities you can visit throughout the year.

The warmest months to visit Lisbon are between May and September and these months have little rainfall with average temperatures in May at 22°C/72°F and in September 27°C/80°F. July and August are understandably the warmest months with temperatures officially averaging 28°C/83°F but be in no doubt that city temperatures in these months can reach well into the 30’s/90’s.

The good news is that Lisbon is located on the mouth of the River Tagus and the city often benefits from a cooling Atlantic breeze which makes for perfect beach weather. It's always a good idea to check local weather forecasts closer to your travel dates for more accurate and up-to-date information about the weather conditions during your visit.

Below is a chart which illustrates Lisbon Average Air Temperatures

What are the average water temperatures in Lisbon?

Air temperature and sunshine is important when you want to catch some rays on the beach but water temperature is more important when you’d like to cool down and have a swim in the sea. Water temperatures are also dependent on the Gulf Stream and average sea temperatures in Lisbon between June and October range from a relatively comfortable 19°C/65°F and 20°C/68°F.

Below is a chart which illustrates Lisbon Average Water Temperatures


Lisbon Metro


Walking in Lisbon