Martinho Da Arcada

The oldest restaurant in Lisbon, established 1782

Located underneath the arches in the main square in Lisbon which is called Praça Do Comércio, Martinho Da Arcada is the oldest restaurant in Lisbon.

Established in 1782, Martinho da Arcada has witnessed significant historical and cultural events throughout the centuries. The café has been frequented by intellectuals, writers, poets, and artists, making it an important meeting place for the city's creative minds. The establishment has retained its traditional charm, with its antique décor and a unique atmosphere that transports visitors back in time.

One of the most famous patrons of Martinho da Arcada was the renowned Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa and his literary group, Orpheu, often gathered at the café in the early 20th century, contributing to its reputation as a hub for literary discussions and artistic exchange.

As you would expect from the oldest restaurant in Lisbon, the interior is adorned by exquisite Portuguese tiles so even if you are seated outside, it’s recommended that you have a look inside before you leave. You’ll notice that mainly locals dine indoors and tourists outside in the heat. A really good sign about Restaurante Martinho Da Arcada, is that at lunchtime you’ll find that many local business women and men dining here.

The café offers a classic Portuguese menu plus a selection of snacks, pastries, and beverages. If you are not looking for a full meal, you can enjoy the historical ambiance while sipping coffee or indulging in traditional Portuguese pastries.

If this is your first visit to the city, then be sure to visit this square. The restaurant is easily found, if you are standing in the square and facing the city with your back to the river, you'll find the restaurant in the far right hand corner, underneath the arches.

An interesting fact is that Martinho Da Arcada still has a table permanently reserved for long-dead poet Fernando Pessoa.

Martinho Da Arcada is located Here


Chapitô a Mesa


Ibo Restaurante